SRx Health

A Guide to 10-Minute Meditation

A daily 10-minute meditation session is a great way to improve mental health, but many people feel too intimidated to start. We’re all used to racing minds and constant notifications and distractions from our phones. As a result, the thought of taking a few minutes of quiet time to ourselves feels impossible.

It’s important to carve out that time, though, because the benefits of meditation are backed by science.

Also, it’s a no-cost method of self-care that everyone can do

Table of Contents

1. What Is Meditation?

2. Benefits of A 10-Minute Meditation Session

3. 7 Steps for A Great 10-Minute Meditation Session

4. How to Create A Regular 10-Minute Meditation Practice

5. How to Make Your 10-Minute Meditation A Priority

6. Choosing the Right Technique for Your 10-Minute Meditation

7. Learn More

What Is Meditation?

Meditation is simply the practice of focus and concentration. It’s a mindfulness technique that helps us feel centred and grounded. When we meditate, we bring our attention inward, away from the noise and distractions of the outside world.

Meditation can be done in many different ways, but some common methods include focusing on your breath or a mantra (a repeating word or phrase). There are also different goals for meditation, from mindfulness to training attention and calming anxiety.

Although meditation is associated with Eastern religions, it’s not a religious practice. Anyone can meditate, regardless of their beliefs.

Benefits of A 10-Minute Meditation Session

If your idea of meditation is sitting cross-legged on the floor for hours on end until you reach enlightenment, it’s time to rethink what it means to meditate! You only need 10 minutes to realize the benefits of meditation. These benefits include:

Improved Mental Health

Meditation has been shown to improve mental health in many ways. Studies show that meditation can reduce generalized anxiety and depression. Another study found that it helped people with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), improving sleep quality and reducing intrusive thoughts.

Better Concentration and Problem-Solving

If you’re struggling to focus at work or school, taking a 10-minute meditation break can help you refocus and improve your concentration. People who meditate have been shown to have improved focus and attention span.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

As mentioned, meditation can reduce clinical anxiety and mood disorders. However, it also helps with the day-to-day stress and anxiety we all experience. A type of meditation called kindness-based meditation even increases compassion towards self and others and boosts overall positive emotions.

Improved Physical Health

The mental health benefits of meditation lead to physical health benefits as well. One study found that meditation can improve heart health by reducing blood pressure. Another study showed that it can help people with chronic pain by reducing inflammation.

In addition, meditation improves sleep quality, which carries various health benefits.

7 Steps for A Great 10-Minute Meditation Session

So, what do you need to get started with meditation? Here are the basics:

1. Environment

You can do a 10-minute meditation session in your car before work if you like! However, a quiet, calm environment where you know you won’t be disturbed is ideal. If you’re at home, you can light a candle or burn some incense to create a relaxing atmosphere.

You can also sit in your backyard garden and reap the additional benefits of being outside while meditating.

2. Posture

Sit with your spine straight and your eyes closed. You can sit in a chair with your feet on the ground or cross-legged on a cushion on the floor. If you’re new to meditation, it’s best to start with a position that you can maintain for 10 minutes without getting too uncomfortable.

3. Motivation

With any new habit, including meditation, it’s a good idea to start with your “why.” Why are you meditating? What are you hoping to get out of it? Keep your motivation in mind as you sit down to meditate. It can be helpful to write it down and keep it somewhere visible.

4. Breath

One of the most common ways to meditate is to focus on your breath. Sit with your eyes closed and simply observe the sensations of your breath as you inhale and exhale. If your mind starts to wander, bring your attention back to your breath.

5. Let Go of Thoughts

This can be difficult if you have an anxious mind. After a minute or two, you might find yourself mentally reciting your to-do list or replaying the awkward conversation you had with your manager yesterday. Instead of trying to keep your mind from straying, picture these thoughts as leaves blowing in the wind.

They come and go, and there’s no need to dwell on them.

6. Create Positive Thoughts

Another way to keep your mind from straying to that to-do list is by deliberately focusing on positive thoughts. You can do this by repeating a mantra— a short phrase or word that you focus on during your meditation.

For example, you might repeat the phrase “I am calm and relaxed” or “I am safe and supported” with each breath.

7. Dedication

Set a timer for 10 minutes and make a commitment to yourself that you’ll sit for the entire time, no matter what. If your mind wanders, bring it back to your breath or mantra without any judgment. If you get antsy and want to move, remind yourself of your commitment and why you’re doing this.

How to Create A Regular 10-Minute Meditation Practice

Here are some simple ways to make your 10-minute meditation a regular practice.

Start Small If You Need To

It’s possible that you might find 10 minutes to be too much when you first start to meditate. That doesn’t mean meditation isn’t for you! Instead, start with a 3 to 5-minute meditation session and add a minute every few days until you reach 10.

Make It Part of Other Routines

If you lead a busy life, taking 10 minutes out of your day might be daunting. Try to incorporate meditation into your other routines.

Making pasta for dinner? Meditate while you wait for the water to come to a boil! Love doing skincare sheet masks? Instead of browsing Instagram, meditate while masking.

Use an App

There are many apps that not only help you meditate but also allow you to make it part of your routine by sending reminders and letting you set goals.

Meditate with Someone

Sometimes, having an accountability partner makes it easier to create new habits. You can even meditate with your kids to help them realize the benefits of meditation.

Mother daughter and son smiling during a 10-minute meditation session
Credit: Fizkes | Canva

How to Make Your 10-Minute Meditation A Priority

Whether you have trouble taking time for yourself or struggle with creating new habits, here are some ways to make your meditation practice a priority.

Work It Into Your Morning or Nighttime Routine

Because meditation calms the mind, it’s great for the end of the day when you’re about to go to sleep. It helps calm any racing thoughts. In addition, you can even meditate while lying flat on your back in bed.

A 10-minute meditation session is also excellent for starting the day. If you’re the type who hits the snooze button on the alarm a few too many times in the morning, try quiet meditation in bed instead. Meditating helps you gently awaken and start the day with a calm, peaceful mindset.

Set a Reminder on Your Phone

If you feel like you might forget to meditate, set a daily reminder on your phone for a time when you know you’ll be available—and don’t ignore it.

Reward Yourself

Eventually, meditation will be the reward. When you experience the benefits of daily 10-minute meditation, you don’t need any external motivators. But as you’re getting started, you can keep yourself motivated by rewarding yourself for a full week of meditation.

Maybe a massage or that healthy cookbook you’ve been eyeing?

Choosing the Right Technique for Your 10-Minute Meditation

There are many techniques for meditation. Therefore, you may need some trial-and-error before finding the one that’s right for you. Here are some techniques to consider.

Guided 10-Minute Meditation

Guided meditation is great for beginners, as it can help you relax and focus. There are many websites and apps that can help you master guided meditation. Typically, a soothing voice walks you through different breathing techniques, thoughts, and mantras during guided meditation.

In addition, you can choose guided meditation with various goals, from letting go of unproductive thoughts to easing anxiety.

10-Minute Morning Meditation

This is a great way to start your morning. It can help you ease into your day and be more productive.

  • Sit comfortably with your spine straight, either in a chair or on the floor. Sitting upright will allow you to take deeper breaths than while slouching
  • Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose, then slowly out through your mouth.
  • Once you feel relaxed, begin to focus on your breath. How you do this is up to you. For example, you can count how many seconds it takes to inhale and exhale, focus on your abdomen rising and falling as you breathe, or concentrate on the feeling of air pushing out of your lips as you exhale.
  • If your mind wanders, that’s okay! Remember, thoughts are like leaves blowing in the wind. Let them blow away. Bring your focus back to your breath.
  • When you’re finished, take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.

10-Minute Meditation for Anxiety

Anxiety can be difficult to manage, but meditation can help. If you’re struggling with anxiety, try this 10-minute meditation:

  • Start by focusing on your breath. Inhale through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.
  • Once you feel calm, begin to focus on your body. Start at your toes and feel your muscles relaxing. Work your way up through your calves, thighs, and so on until you reach the top of your head.
  • Once you reach your head, focus on any areas of tension and imagine it melting away. As the tension melts, your body feels heavier, like it’s sinking into the chair or floor.
  • Focus on your breath once again. Notice the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe in and out.
  • Take a few deep breaths and slowly open your eyes.

10-Minute Meditation for Sleep

If you’re having trouble falling asleep, this 10-minute meditation can help.

  • Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. If you’re in bed, lie on your back rather than curling up in a fetal position on your side.
  • Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and slowly exhaling through your mouth.
  • Once you feel calm, begin to focus on your breath. Count as you inhale, then count again as you exhale.
  • Progressively relax your body, starting with your feet and working your way to your head. If you’re lying in bed, feel your body sinking into the mattress.
  • When you’re finished, take a few deep breaths and go to sleep.

Music for 10-Minute Meditation

You don’t need to listen to music during your 10-minute meditation sessions. However, some people feel that it helps put them in the right mindset.

If you’re interested in giving meditation with music a go, try classical music, ambient electronic music, nature sounds, or chanting. Avoid music with lyrics that will steal your focus or anything fast-paced that could amp up your anxiety and raise your heart rate.

Ultimately, you should feel free to create your own 10-minute meditation ritual. There’s no right or wrong, as long as it works for you!

Learn More

To find out more about the benefits of meditation, check out the SRx app and sign up for our newsletter.